Monday, April 5, 2004 at 04:21AM
Sunday, April 4, 2004 at 11:21PM
Sherri Caldwell
Let's do this as 5 thoughts for the day and see how it goes--
1. Today is the first day of Spring Break.
2. I have accomplished nothing today, except supervising children, which is rather like herding kittens--I love that expression.
3. I am reading "The Other Side of the Story" by Marion Keyes--I love her books. This one is a review copy from the publisher, "UNCORRECTED PROOF--NOT FOR SALE." I love FREE books (but I still have standards). I need to finish the book so I can write the review.
4. I have no plans to accomplish anything else for the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow.
5. Tomorrow, I will begin the background story to The Writing Life--How we became The Rebel Housewives...
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