The Second Day
Monday, May 3, 2004 at 10:38PM
Sherri Caldwell
Very pleased to announce this morning's weigh-in: DOWN 2 LBS!!!
I've finally lost a true 10lbs since I started the low-carb adventure.
Spent the day at school, volunteering for a special project in my son's 3rd grade classroom. They are doing a special unit on The Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci and his crowd. Today they all painted a la Michaelangelo in the Sistine Chapel--they had to lay down underneath their desks and paint a picture (paper taped to underside of desk) with their arms up and paint splashing down in their faces--just like Michaelangelo. It's always a new adventure in the classroom!
That reminds me--I might have found an escape clause from all the volunteering! In a classic Sherri manuever, I accidentally (really!) dumped an entire pitcher of water on one of the tables, splashing down several artists on the floor. Fortunately, they were wearing garbage-bag smocks, but it was a mess. I could see the lead volunteer mentally crossing MY name off her list! (Yay!)
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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