Weekend Update - Pumpkin Run
Sunday, October 17, 2004 at 12:43AM
Sherri Caldwell
It has been such a crazy-busy week, so much happening. Very nice weekend so far--definitely CHILLY! We had parent-teacher conferences with our 2nd and 4th grade teachers Friday afternoon--pretty terrific reports, which is such a relief. Friday night was SO beautiful, we sat outside on the driveway around the outdoor fireplace (Target special) with our new neighbors from across the street.
Saturday was BUSY--up and out early (too early!) to the "Pumpkin Run" at the elementary school--a pumpkin patch, a kid's fun run, Halloween activities and a small "carnival," with all the bouncy, blow up things: moon walk, slide, obstacle course, and an American Gladiator-type challenge where two kids put on helmets, went into the inflated "boxing ring," stood on opposite cushioned columns and beat at each other with big, Q-tip things until one of the contenders fell off his/her column--pretty funny! Haleigh whooped up on her challenger (boy). Zach fell off when he faced his friend. Tiger spent the entire time on the slide.
From the Pumpkin Run to Haleigh's soccer game--VICTORY, 1 to 0!
We've tried to relax the rest of the afternoon and evening--our Big Saturday Night, watching DVD's: Supersize Me and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Supersize Me is a very original documentary--LOVED it!--I'll have to mention again in Rebel Reviews.
And with that, I am finally up-to-date on The Rebel Blog! Now, if only I can manage to get The Weekly Update out tomorrow...after, around, in-between birthday parties, children's theatre, and Zach's late-afternoon roller hockey game! The excitement never ends...(and I DO mean that--about the excitement! ;-)
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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