Friday, October 8, 2004 at 11:46AM
Sherri Caldwell
This week has been crazy-busy with a big event at my son's pre-school (Tiger was on the radio this morning!!!), and tree disputes with my neighbor--we'll be spending the rest of today in Atlanta Municipal Court trying to protect our very large, very much alive, old oak tree. We've actually got a pretty good shot, but the worst thing that can happen is the judge tells us we have to take it down--that's not so bad, really. This is not death, cancer, or natural disaster--it's a disagreement in Stepford. This whole tree debacle is leading to a second feature article in a large magazine next year (life in the suburbs), and a guest spot on EcoTalk, which is a one-hour Air America Radio program broadcast all over the country...WWAA AM 1690 in Atlanta. Check for Air America Radio in your area at

Wish us luck in Court!
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