I get no kick-back from this, but it's too good not to pass on, especially since
AMERICA (The Book) is my
TOP PICK FOR MEN/AGE 21 - 99 on The Rebel Housewife
Check it out:
Borders is offering the following 9 Great Books
50% off
Friday-Monday, Dec. 3-6
While supplies last. Limit two of each book per customer.
Mitch Albom - The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Mitch Albom - Tuesdays with Morrie
Tom Wolfe - I am Charlotte Simmons *
This one I'm getting for me! *
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents: AMERICA (The Book)
Rick Warren - The Purpose-Driven Life
Philippa Gregory - The Virgin's Lover
Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code: Special Illustrated Edition
Bill Clinton - My Life
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.