PERFECT GIFT for Desperate Housewives!
Saturday, December 23, 2006 at 03:52PM
Sherri Caldwell


I just received this today, or I would have mentioned it sooner:

If you are still desperately searching for a great Mom/Wife-type gift for any of the women on your List, check out THE DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES COOKBOOK: Juicy Dishes and Saucy Bits. It's campy enough, and priced right, to be perfect for just about any thirty-, forty-, or fiftysomething woman (or man!), particularly if she (he) is a DH fan.

Yes, it's a theme that might soon be so yesterday (and, really, isn't that part of the definition of being a Mom?!), but I can admit it: I still like the show! Still, I was hesitant about the cookbook. I'd be hesitant about any cookbook, as I told the publisher rep (who offered several different cookbooks for review, noting: "These are different from what I have usually pitched you, but I thought the titles may be fun to share with your readers..."):

"I was starting to type "No, Thank You!" with the mere mention of cooking/cookbooks (shudder)(I keep all my take-out menus on that shelf!), BUT I think we could definitely do something fun with THE DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES COOKBOOK. I am a Susan/Lynette -- and a big fan of the show. Please send!"

I'm looking at the book now, and it's great as a legitimate cookbook, large and sturdy, with lots of great pictures and an excellent range of recipes, from Bree-complicated to Lynette-quick & healthy to Susan-foolproof (my kind of cooking!). There are also pictures from the show and profiles, DH background and insider's info (but not too much).

THE DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES COOKBOOK is a fun DH fix to have around between Sundays!

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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