Rebel Literacy
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 11:08AM
Sherri Caldwell

#2 - Rebel Literacy

Just after MOCHA came to us, I had a big meeting with my editor at Atlanta INtown, our local Arts & Entertainment monthly newspaper. I have been writing for INtown for several months, and I really enjoy it. (I freelanced for INtown several years ago, but stopped after two months in frustration over editing.) I like working with the new editor, who was a features editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for more than 20 years. She has a lot of experience, she's like-minded and down-to-earth, and she's a wonderful mentor. I still don't always love the editing process, and the changes that are made to my writing. That's why we had a big meeting -- I was in a bit of a huff, and I'm sure there will be more, but bygones...

I walked out of the meeting with a year-long calendar of literacy features that I had researched, coordinated and proposed, and I am really excited to be working the literacy beat for Atlanta INtown on a regular basis, and to be jumping into literacy issues and advocacy in Atlanta.

Other good causes during the month:
Annual Girl Scout Cookie Sales with my daughter (a day in the booth!), and an Orientation Meeting for The Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk, which will be October 20 - 22, 2006 in Atlanta. I'm not sure I will be able to commit to The Walk this year, but it is such a worthwhile and important cause, I hope to walk in 2007.

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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