UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN & www.bookcloseouts.com
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 08:19PM
Sherri Caldwell
Fall is my most favorite season of the year. I love the sight, sound, and smell of crisp Autumn days -- still-warm afternoons, brilliant blue skies, with just a hint-of-chill breeze scurrying dried leaves along the street and sidewalks -- I love that sound!

This is the first week since Back To School that I haven't had any appointments, conferences, school activities or volunteer activities -- until Friday, anyway. I've enjoyed the time to catch my breath and start catching up in life and work.

I find late September/early October is the perfect time for re-org and goal-setting, getting back on track after the chaos of the long, hot summer (and our Big Move this year). It's time for another UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN 30-day Challenge, which I'm beginning with a friend over our Thursday morning coffee. Sadly, we decided we should have some sort of purpose or weekly agenda... No, actually we both have things we want to accomplish and are searching for some structure and motivation.

I reviewed the book UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN: Achieve ANY Breakthrough Goals in 30 Days by Cynthia Kersey last year in Rebel Reviews, and I really loved the challenge. If anyone is interested, we are starting a new Challenge this Thursday, and it's all very interactive and supportive, online or in the Real World, if you want to come along. Email me at sherri@rebelhousewife.com.

I found the book on clearance at www.bookcloseouts.com, which is a new favorite Internet resource for book buying, recently discovered on referral from another book-loving Mom. Even if you are not into UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN, check out www.bookcloseouts.com for great deals on any kind of book!

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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