Forgive me, if you are getting tired of hearing about the Middle School Book Group, but please bear with me. I'm figuring this out as I go, and keeping a record of the methodology behind the madness. I have found it so helpful to find teaching journals and lesson plans online as I've researched, I want to have this information search-available: Google-able!
I am learning something new each week, and I am loving my Middle School Book Group. Today, we finished talking about
The Rebel Review: THE FIRST PART LAST)
Today's Lesson:
How do you get kids to READ???
I am always open to more suggestions, and encourage Comments below.
This is what I discovered today:
Involve them in the book selection, to choose a book that will be relevant, interesting and engaging. We did this, by introducing the
Award Lists and
pre-screening appropriate titles; by helping them discover the books in the
Treasure Hunt; and by letting them decide what they wanted to read with the
Book Intro & Vote.
2) When 8 out of 10 still don't read all of the book on their own (most read some):
Much to my surprise today, most of the kids will jump to read out loud and read along with the group -- even the ones I didn't think would, did. I guided the discussion, by asking questions about plot, characters, events, etc. and then gave them the page # where the answer would be found, let them take turns reading out loud. So by the end, they all knew what this book was about, who the players were, and how it all came out in the end, and that's cool. Some of them will most likely even go back and finish it on their own.
They are so surprised and delighted that they each get to keep the book for their own personal library -- I think that is an important part of the whole thing, too, and I am very grateful to the sponsors of this "Books & Breakfast Group" -- our neighborhood
Publix at The Plaza Midtown provides the food each week, and the
Atlanta Midtown Neighbor's Association/Midtown Education Committee is sponsoring the book purchases for this group.
Okay, so that's my experience so far -- anybody else have suggestions?