Simple Advice On Taking The GRE
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 09:30AM
Sherri Caldwell in Life at 40
For young Mr. D, our Concierge, and other GRE Test Takers:

Advice on taking the GRE, from experience:

  1. Study and practice using a timer, so you get a feel for how quickly the time goes and how little time you have on each problem.
  2. Unfortunately, no matter how much you study and practice, it's still hard, for us normal people, anyway. (You may be a freaking genius, and that's great. I wouldn't know.) It's okay, baby, you don't have to be a genius to get into Grad School.
  3. Get through and answer all of the questions in each section, even guessing.
  4. Honestly, you will probably do much better than you think -- and you get Big Bonus Points just for taking the GRE, or any standardized "general knowledge" test, for that matter -- you can tell them The Rebel Housewife said so! (Of course, they'll probably respond, "Yeah, she got, what, like a 44% on the Math Section -- what's she know?!")
That's all I've got for you -- GOOD LUCK!!

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