ATLANTA Magazine - Feb 2007 - Page 78!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 05:35PM
Sherri Caldwell
This month's ATLANTA Magazine (February 2007) is fabulous, as usual, with the overall theme of HIGH-RISE LIVING, profiling the lifestyle and 77 high-rise buildings in Atlanta: "Amazing views, luxury details, terrific deals, & more..." along with some really great profiles, anecdotes and tips from various Urban Pioneers...

Including Yours Truly!!
Pick up a copy and check it out on Page 78:

"Condo Kids:
Five Strategies For Successful High-Rise Parenting"
by Sherri Caldwell

The High-Rise feature is not online yet, but you can see the issue, preview some of the other articles and order a copy online at

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
See website for complete article licensing information.