WP Affair: More on Pets & Saving Money
Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 11:46AM
Sherri Caldwell in Pets, Saving Money
Classic Rebel from The Rebel Blog May 2006:


I know, I know: Who needs another eBook?! Not me. I have sworn off downloadables (again and again and again...). But darn it, when you need good information on a specific topic, and trying to research on the Internet is running you around in circles, and you find the promise of just the right thing -- exactly what you are looking for -- and there are bonuses and a "Rock-Solid 90 Day Unconditional Guarantee..."

We have a dog I love dearly, and we also have three (human) children. We paid $85 for our furry friend, to rescue her from the county animal shelter, and then we invested several hundred dollars more on veterinary care, vaccinations, training, treats, toys, leashes, beds, etc. (She's only been with us about three months.) We do not have health insurance for the dog, nor can we afford it. We can barely afford the health insurance for the humans in the house, much less the $40 co-pay anytime one of us needs to visit the doctor.

So when a non-emergency, seemingly-minor veterinary concern arises, I have to hesitate because I know it's going to be expensive, even if it turns out to be nothing, if I take her to the vet. This time, it's a case of "goopy eye" -- messy, but no other symptoms of illness. Whatsoever. She's running and leaping all around at the moment, happily tossing and catching a rawhide chew -- like a cat on catnip (crazy dog!).

For less than the price of a visit to the vet, I downloaded VETERINARY SECRETS REVEALED by Dr. Andrew Jones, a DVM in British Columbia, Canada. AND the "Three Super Bonuses Valued at $122" -- mine to keep, even if I end up requesting a refund on the big book (173 pages, with a full index, table of contents, and well-organized, easy-to-find, easy-to-understand information) -- which I won't! Goopy eye resolved (and reassured), and that's worth the price right there.

That's all I have time for now, but I'll put it on Rebel Reviews soon. Meanwhile, if you need veterinary information, practical help, or common sense advice on pet issues A to Z, check out VETERINARY SECRETS REVEALED - CLICK HERE.

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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