From my time away on
My new efriend, Wendy P. at truly astonishes me with her knowledge, always upbeat attitude, inspiration, networking, connections and, above all, her ability to get things done!
I've got to mention her
eMoms Birthday Party Contest -- you should check it out!
Also on her inspiration, I'm posting today on Monday Motivation in response to her
If I can accomplish Just Five Things each day, above & beyond the daily family management (getting kids to & from school, homework, meals, etc.), it’s a Good Day, so here’s Monday:
Blog(2): a Wendy blog & the blog I’ve been working on all morning.
Back up website & prep move to new host!
Make the bed & finish the laundry (same sexy life, Wendy!).
Make a dental appt (this is Huge, and is the result of #1, Part 2).
5. (This will be the reward, too, as I totally agree with Roberto on positive motivation and I am not touching the car in any way, except to gas up or drive it into the line at Cactus Car Wash!)
Read THE TENDER BAR for Weds night Book Group, which I also need to prep for, since I’m the new coordinator for the Midtown (Atlanta) Book Group — yay!
OMG, it’s already 11:22! (Make that 12:30 - but I'm making progress here!)
Have a great day,
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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