love, Love, LOVE this movie!!!
How perfect is this, at least in my life right now:
Is life a comedy or a tragedy?
"It's the nature of all tragedies, Harold. The hero dies, but the story goes on forever."
I can totally relate to Emma Thompson's writer character in this movie: I recognize the far-away look in her eyes in her first scene, doing "research," imagining various death scenarios through the movie, and feeling each one so deeply. She seems one step beside reality, preoccupied, in her artistic life, her disheveled appearance, exhaustion and nervous habits. I feel that same way myself, often. Especially when I'm writing, working in the novel.
I just wonder: Where's my Queen Latifah?!
(She plays the writer's assistant in the movie, and she is fabulous, as always. I love QL.)
Will Ferrell, in the first non-comedic role I've ever seen him in, is also fabulous, as is Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman and Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Stranger Than Fiction is a quirky, deep, unexpected treasure; funny in places, and incredibly sad in others. Fabulous.
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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