CAMP MOMMY: Divide & Conquer, Redux
Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 10:58PM
Sherri Caldwell in CAMP MOMMY
After busy yesterday, we tried to take it easier today.

Here's a tip: Whenever a grandparent offers to take children overnight -- GO FOR IT!!

My Mom, "Grammy" to the kids, age 71, and close to us here in Atlanta, keeps offering to take all 3 kids at once -- of course, they're "never any problem" for her (oh, that gentle, rosy glow of amnesia...senility?!). For everybody's sanity, survival and greater enjoyment, Divide & Conquer is still the way to go...until Mommy & Daddy can somehow plan and coordinate an overnight or weekend getaway...and then they are all on their own!

But for today, 9yo Daughter had Karate this afternoon, and camp tomorrow morning, so Grammy has the two boys tonight. 9yo Daughter finally had the condo, and Mom & Dad all to herself for one night. We ordered in for dinner and snuggled up to watch a movie, Girl's choice. When it came to bedtime: "I miss my brothers...(sad face)"

The Dance, Dance Revolution Game for the PlayStation2 (DDR) has been a huge hit! Instead of sneaking in to check, and finding them, usually watching TV after bedtime, with the sound down way low, last night they were on the DDR, lightly stepping, in socks, with the sound down way low. They were at it again first thing this morning! Which is terrific -- exercise!

You know what? We are suddenly at the end of Week 3! How did that happen?!

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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