Summer Survival Tip #2 - Innertubes & Pool Toys
Monday, June 4, 2007 at 09:45PM
Sherri Caldwell in CAMP MOMMY
We have spent a lot of time at the pool so far (Week 2, Day 1), usually with 3 kids, many times with a "plus 1," for better or worse.

Blow-up (or inflate-able, if you've got the right gadget!) innertubes are a wonderful thing, but here's the tip:

Buy many. Buy all the same color.

I first purchased ONE green ring. I didn't want to schlepp around a bunch of rings, and I thought -- really -- only one kid at a time would be interested...(and I have been doing this for almost thirteen years, I know. I'm still learning!)

I went back to Target and purchased two more rings: one pink; one blue.

The green ring popped -- tragedy! Well then of course there was the big fight over the pink one -- who it "belonged" to (Hello?! I bought all of them!), and so on and so forth. The pink one popped (an act of revenge). (I only had 2 kids that day, I had left the blue ring in the package upstairs in the condo, because I don't have the blowing-up gadget, and blowing up even one ring makes me all light-headed.)

OMG. The fight went on and on for hours...long after we left the pool. (Yes, you can imagine that scene.)

I went back to Target and purchased three more rings: all blue.

Life has been happily ever after, ever since, with FOUR BLUE RINGS:
There is an extra ring, for a friend, or in case of emergency.
No one knows who's is whose, or can claim ownership of any certain ring, which has brought peace, finally, to the least for now.

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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