Happy New (School) Year!
Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 12:04PM
Sherri Caldwell in Parenting, School
We're back online, after another long, HOT summer in Atlanta -- CAMP MOMMY, with 3 kids in the midtown condo. I'm not sure how we survived. How I survived. But we did.
And here we are: Mom's New (School) Year!
The kids are all off to a good start: 12yo Puberty Angst Boy is in 7th grade, and very upset that they are enforcing a dress code at school now, that he has to tuck in his shirt and wear a belt. (Yes, that is the extent of the 'dress code.') However, he's done well with homework and schedule this first week, and he was actually downright excited about his first Science quiz on Friday ("Aced it!"), because they have these very cool new computer whiteboards that project the test questions on a very large screen and the kids each have remote control devices to register their answers to each question. It all shows up on the whiteboard, the answers and immediate results for each of the students, although it is coded by student numbers, so they are anonymous. Technology is amazing.
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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