Urban Pioneers Re-Settled - With Squirrels!
Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 09:13AM
Sherri Caldwell in Atlanta, Books, Family, Life at 40
We've moved, the family and I. Through a series of unexpected, and at times unsettling events, we moved April 1st, from our fabulous high-rise condo in Midtown (Urban Pioneers) to a just-as-fabu house in the Morningside neighborhood of Atlanta -- same schools, only three miles away, still very much in-town.

However, Morningside, with all of it's trees, parks and beautifully-maintained landscaping, feels a lot like suburbia -- not that that's a bad thing. It's just very quiet after living in the concrete jungle. And we have squirrels in the attic, which was never an issue in the high-rise!

It has been a wild and crazy time, ya'll. But here we are, and I feel like I've got so much to catch up on -- I don't know where to start. Bear with me this week, with the story to be told, and we'll get back on track with The Rebel Housewife Coffee Blog and Rebel Reviews, leading off with Joshilyn Jackson and The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, with a contest giveaway to be announced this week! Stay tuned--

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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