CAMP MOMMY 2008: What to Schlepp Around
Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 10:35AM
Sherri Caldwell in CAMP MOMMY
"schlep or schlepp... Slang
To carry clumsily or with difficulty; lug..."
Summer Essentials
CAMP MOMMY would not be a complete summer camp experience without official camp CHECKLISTS for planning, packing, and organization! Updated for 2008:
Essentials To Keep In The Car:
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray
- ALTERNATE: Bug n Sun
- Basic First Aid Kit
- Travel Wipes
- Spray Bottle of Water
- Park/Picnic Blanket
- Tennis Balls/Football/Frisbee
Note: If Daddy is meeting up after work, be sure to keep in the car:
Dad's Basics:
- Tshirt/Shorts
- Swimsuit/Towel
- Sandals
Essentials For The Swim Bag:
- Sunglasses
- Hats
- Swimsuits/Towels
- Goggles
- Sinkers/Dive Toys
- Water Ball
- Plastic Cups
- Sunscreen (can never have enough!)
- Faces Stick (for noses & cheeks)
- Very small first aid kit (*waterproof* band aids/antiseptic wipes)
- Quarters & Dollar Bills for snack/soda machine
- Pool Pass, Key, or ID Cards - keep them in the Swim Bag!
- Gallon-sized Ziploc® Bags are GREAT for keeping smaller things or book/paper stuff dry and organized!
Small Cooler:
- Ice/Freezer Packs
- Drinks/Water
- Snacks - Keep it simple, with Mom's Surprise Snack of The Day!
Suggestions: fruit, veggies (baby carrots), cheese snacks, trail mix, raisins, pretzels, crackers, peanut butter, fruit rollups or gummies.
For more ideas and another OCD-satisfying list with comments, be sure to see
A Mom's Life:
Top 5 Things Moms Should Keep in the Family Minivan!
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
See website for complete article licensing information.