To wrap-up our snack focus (obsession?) this week, I am going to share a favorite snack recipe and reference our favorite kid cookbooks, taking the easy out today because:
a) I have my offline book group meeting tonight, and I haven't read the book,
Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I couldn't get through it, although I am fascinated that the author, Robert Pirsig, was in and out of mental institutions before and after this instant bestselling philosophy classic was written and published in 1974. I find that not only fascinating, but oddly reassuring, as well. Also, on a more tragic note, the author's son, Chris, with whom he took the transformative motorcycle journey that became the book, was murdered in 1979, which the author talks about in the Afterword to the Harper Perennial version of the book, published in 2005. While I found the background information, author's biography and interview captivating, the book itself -- not so much. Perhaps my interest will be re-kindled after book group discussion tonight.
b) I am working on an ambitious Rebel Review/Focus on the Author interview feature for tomorrow, which will go out in the email update to subscribers on Friday morning, ideally with less editing mistakes than the update that went out this morning (there were a couple of glaring
oops I should have caught -- corrected now in the
online entry -- but I was really tired last night, CAMP MOMMY fatigue catching up with me!):
THE PAINTER FROM SHANGHAI by Jennifer Cody Epstein. WOW. Look for it tomorrow, so I've got to get back to that...
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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