CAMP MOMMY 2008 - Peanut Free Zone?
Monday, June 9, 2008 at 12:00PM
Sherri Caldwell in CAMP MOMMY
Alas, it is the first day of my one-week-only-all-summer CAMP MOMMY reprieve, and:
1) We're having an A/C issue, waiting for the HVAC guy to call me back to come look at it;
2) I'm not feeling so great, probably from being way too warm all night and not being able to sleep.

Not that I'm complaining, or anything.

Our first morning with the 8am, 9am x 2, and 10am drop-off schedule went fine, although there will be adjustments to smooth out the 1/2-hour lag times in-between, when we're sitting in the parking lot to drop off before anyone is around to start camp. This one-car family thing can be a challenge, but again, I'm not complaining...

We had to start early this morning to get everyone dressed and packed, ready to go for the day. Junior Police Academy is providing lunch every day for 13yo Puberty Angst Boy, but the other two require sack lunches. This is not a problem, with the exception on the ADHD Summer FUN Camp schedule:

"PLEASE have your child:
* Bring a lunch each day. Lunch can be heated up in a microwave is needed.

[half a page further down the list:]
* Bring PEANUT products - The 504 School is a peanut free zone."

Okay, really, I'm fine with this. I am sensitive to other people's needs and issues, especially with children, and so, all right, no peanut products. It shouldn't be that big a deal. But, you have to understand, 7yo ADHD Phenom's most-favorite sack lunch staple, in the whole world, is peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. I have no alternative menus.

Believe me, I've tried, all through last year when I fastidiously packed lunches every single day for this one, because I couldn't even get away with sending money for school lunch one day a week for pizza day (or whatever), like I could with the older two. No, AP had to have his lunched packed at home every day, and it started with his favorite PBJ. And then there are peanut butter crackers, second on the list of favorites. Not to mention, a big old glob of peanut butter with apple slices or pretzels or all by itself on a spoon. This is supposed to be good for him, all that protein and all.

I didn't think it would be a big deal, and it's not, but it is somewhat of a challenge to come up with acceptable alternatives every day for the next three weeks. I got up today and made him a grilled cheese sandwich; made cheese quesadillas while I was at it, for 10yo Drama Queen's lunch, and for breakfast for the rest of us, with bacon. I admit, I'm a little nervous to see what AP's reaction will be when I pick him up from camp this afternoon -- "How was lunch?"

I went to the grocery store with 10yo Drama Queen this morning, between the 9am and 10am drop-offs. We found these boxed Lunchable-type things she was anxious to try and thought that AP would like them, too. We bought "Deep Dish Pizza," "Chicken Strips" (with Cheese Nips!) and a "Ham & Cheddar Cracker Combo" thing. I know, I'm feeling a little bit sick, too. No peanut products, but I am nutritionally suspicious: happy that these little meals come with a water, but not so much that it also comes with a "Kool-Aid Singles Tropical Punch" and a (very small, thankfully) AirHeads Artifically Flavored Candy or "Fruit" Roll. Now that I'm looking more closely at the Nutrition Facts, I don't even want to tell you the Calories, Saturated Fat or Sugars. I am a horrible mother.

I also stopped for fresh bagels and cream cheese on the way home, so that will be tomorrow's non-peanut main course for lunch. Any other ideas?

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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