Middle School - My Third Year
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 09:48AM
Sherri Caldwell in Kids, Parenting, School
Good Morning!

I am working on a huge new project offline for the next six weeks, so I will be even more random on the Coffee Blog, stopping in to visit for a break every so often, which is the whole point, anyway. I can't believe the summer is over and time marches relentlessly forward so quickly now. We've already been back in school for three weeks! It is time, even giving myself the generous allowance of three weeks to TAKE IT EASY!!! -- Breathe -- Relax -- Recover, for me to get back to work, in some new and different directions, which is exciting.

With the hard-earned experience of three kids, this year in 3rd, 6th and 8th grades, an Atlanta friend asked my advice and reassurance about middle school parenting. I wanted to pass this along and mention my favorite, sanity-saving, most-helpful book for middle school parenting: not much just chillin'.

I think the big challenge with middle school is to help our children develop life strategies to deal with the world and hover as quietly as possible in the background, taking tiny, little steps back so they can make their way toward independence; learning to listen more than talk (or lecture), which is easier said than done; and, sometimes, you do have to jump in and be the Mother Hen (Mother Gorilla?!) to protect and defend, to advocate for your child, whether it is with school or social issues. It is a fine balance and, unfortunately, never perfect. But that's okay, we really weren't meant to be perfect -- where's the fun in that?!

Don't forget to email your entry by midnight on Friday, September 5th for The Rebel Housewife CONTEST/GIVEAWAY - Mom's New Year! Thanks to those of you who have been sending those in & Good Luck!!

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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