Happy New Year 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009 at 10:39AM
Sherri Caldwell in Family, Life at 40, Urban Pioneers
Sorry I've been away so long - walking the fine line of sanity with life and events, as I guess we all sometimes do. I am waiting for this particular season of my life to transition into the next, and get through stuff, at the same time trying to be present and enjoy every moment of the journey along the way.

On a good note: Ask and you shall receive!
Back at Thanksgiving, I mentioned my house v. condo angst...lo and behold, and long story short, on January 15th, we moved into a terrific three bedroom condo in Midtown Atlanta, right across the street from Piedmont Park (our Central Park). This is such a wonderful thing, and we could all live happily-ever-after, at least for a year or two on lease, if everything else would just settle down for a minute--

Hello, U.S. & World Economy?!?!
But I don't even want to go there, today -- keeping blogs shorter, remember?

On not-such-a-good-note: Feeling the Sandwich
I think upon our 40th birthday, if you have living parents and children, too, we instantly and automatically become a full member of the Sandwich Generation, which I'd heard about, but to which I had not given much thought. Alas, that's all I've been thinking about for the last month:

My mom had a massive heart attack on February 5th, and a stroke, too. Fortunately, she is here with us in Atlanta. She was in the hospital for a month, until she was moved to a nursing home last week for active rehab - so the nursing home should be temporary, although still likely to be six to eight weeks. We don't know what happens after that, whether she will be able to go back to independent living in her own apartment or whether a transition is coming. Every day of this, I have been trying not to worry too far ahead, because there is just so much we don't know yet.

She is only 73 years old, as of last Friday, and she survived a miracle. I hold onto that and just do the next thing, whatever that is. It has been difficult to balance the needs of my mother and my family at home: my husband, our three children, even the dog. Everything else is kind of on hold right now, and that's okay - it's a season.

That's why I haven't been around much, but I'm trying to get back.

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (http://www.rebelhousewife.com/).
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