Rebel Twitter for the non-tweets
Friday, June 12, 2009 at 01:29PM
Sherri Caldwell in Book Group, Books, CAMP MOMMY, FUN, Movies/DVD, Twitter
Our current Twitter following on (follow rebelupdate) is at 6 (SIX!) and steadily increasing -- I am really excited about that! For the other 3,546 dedicated Rebels out there who are not on or who can't/don't want to follow rebelupdate on Twitter, here's today's update, in 140-character Twitter snippets:

1) Home again & finally to work after getting everybody up&out to various destinations. Fixed son's bike chain - so dirty, so proud of myself!

2) Update on Obama book*: Last section in Africa best part, ended up loving the book-Book Group did, too. Going to read THE AUDACITY OF HOPE next.

*NOTE: 4 days ago - Midtown ATL Book Group Weds night @ B&N: DREAMS FROM MY FATHER by Barack Obama. I am 1/2way thru. Like it, drags a bit, fascinated by Obama.

3) (Last tweet 2day - TGIF!)[I lied] CAMP MOMMY: Free Summer Movies@Regal Theatres:

4) I am really excited about this! Oprah's Books of Summer:
Oprah's Books of Summer Bookmark PDF

Have a great weekend!
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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