I mentioned
Twitter back in November...
I'm on Twitter!! (Again, why I don't exactly know, but it has something to do with keeping in touch on the iPhone and not having to TEXT.) Friend me and I will respond, but I'm not exactly sure how to make it work, or why, but they tell me it is going to be a great way to keep in touch (hubby, kids)...
Since then, Twitter has become a primary means of communication within our always-busy, five-different-directions-at-once immediate family: Mom, Dad & 3 kids. It's like a carry-around bulletin board with post-it messages of 140 characters max (this limitation is a good thing, especially for me) - a great way to know who is doing what, where, when, etc., and when/where he/she needs to be picked up. Very convenient.
I'm also following several Twitters of personal interest:
As much as I love Private Family Twitter, I could not imagine anybody outside the immediate nuclear transportation unit being interested in my 140-character comings and goings. I have been surprised at the number of Follower Requests to the private account and I always feel bad to decline, but seriously - ya'll don't want to know if I'm in a bad mood or what we're having for dinner!
However...interpersonal and professional communication is changing rapidly in the modern technology-addicted age. Even I have noticed. In the past couple of months, it seems everybody, every organization, every company, large and small, is on Twitter and/or one of the other big social networking sites. I am happy to Twitter, and have fairly successfully acclimated to it, but I'm not going to be MySpace-ing or FaceBook-ing any time soon. The biggest reason not: TMI!
In general, I've discovered my preference for receiving 140-character updates over longer emails, articles, newsletters, etc. - just the facts, please! I also discovered I like the limitation of 140 character messages when sending - Too Much Information, people. I am trying to simplify my life and suppress my own natural tendencies toward verbal spew...
So this summer, for Camp Mommy V, I've set up a Twitter account for RebelHousewife.com, for quick, succinct updates and information...140 character message to follow:
Follow me: twitter 'follow rebelupdate' if you are already on or sign up for a free account if you're not! Watch the video on