Camp Mommy 2009 - 2nd Monday
Monday, June 8, 2009 at 09:56AM
Sherri Caldwell in Atlanta, Book Group, CAMP MOMMY
With a 'found' 15 minutes and my 2nd cup of coffee, I was trying to decide between writing or reading a chapter of my book for Book Group Wednesday night.
(Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama.
I'm on page 207 of 441 - ack!).

It's finally summer, I even have two kids in camp this week, and I still can't seem to catch up!

Five* Things To Do Today:

(* Let's try & keep it realistic!)
  1. 12yo Drama Queen & 9yo ADHD Phenom to camp (different summer day camps across the street at Piedmont Park) - DONE!!
  2. LAUNDRY - piles & piles, still working on it. 4pm update: still working on it!
  3. Elementary School Registration w/all required forms, documentation, paperwork, proof of residence, license, title, etc. - notarized, of course.
    (Yes, this is all for PUBLIC school!) - 4pm update: DONE!
  4. Help Grammy** 4pm update: DONE!
  5. Rebel Twitter or Blog - DONE!!
11am and 2 out of 5 complete - that's pretty good!! ;-)
Except that it's now AFTER 11am and I am late.

(** Have to post about that Grammy note later today...)
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