This week is a break, of sorts, from teaching. Since we have been homeschooling (kind of)
9yo Aspy Phenom through
Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA), this week we report to an official CRCT site for the mandatory state testing; every day this week, 8am to Noon. It's only Tuesday, and he is already Over It: it's hard to get up at 6:30am!
"And they don't let you talk or do anything!" -- this is a level of Hell for my very active boy, but I told him it's The Law and we're going to get through it, with the promise: Saturday we shall sleep in and have donuts (of Dunkin') for breakfast!
Our CRCT site is in the wilds of SW Atlanta, at a technical college. The college is nice, but the surrounding area not so much, so I stay on-campus, in the building, while he is testing. Fortunately, there is a great seating area in the conference center, with comfy couches, good lighting and WIFI! So here I am...
For the first time in four months since I became a 4th grade teacher, I finished a
Rebel Review -- and it's a good one, speaking of education:
Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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