Go Elf Yourself!
Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 08:59AM
It's a busy pre-Holiday weekend, and I'm trying so hard to find some motivation to get something done before birthday party delivery driving for the boys (two in one day, 10 days before Christmas -- same time, opposite ends of the city, of course!):
Here's a bit of Holiday Cheer that had me ROFL and LMAO (see Geek Speak, if you need help with those terms). Have to credit hubby's Aunt Monica & Uncle Pat for sending us this treasure of an online Holiday Greeting, which my son, 12yo Puberty Angst Boy, modified for us, starring himself, 7yo ADHD Phenom, 10yo Drama Queen and Mocha-the-Dog. Check it out on the link and go Elf Yourself!
Season's Greetings from The Rebel Housewife's Elves:
- The ubiquitous Holiday Letter to send out with the Christmas Cards (already received card & letter from my brother- & sister-in-law, which was hysterical, about their new dog and life in Walla Walla, Washington -- I can't compete with that!);
- Armies of Gingerbread Boys to bake for teachers & school friends this last week of school (to repeat next weekend for neighbors, friends & hubby's office);
- Book Group prep for my last meeting and Holiday Party with my middle school book group on Monday;
- Piles and piles of laundry, of course...
Here's a bit of Holiday Cheer that had me ROFL and LMAO (see Geek Speak, if you need help with those terms). Have to credit hubby's Aunt Monica & Uncle Pat for sending us this treasure of an online Holiday Greeting, which my son, 12yo Puberty Angst Boy, modified for us, starring himself, 7yo ADHD Phenom, 10yo Drama Queen and Mocha-the-Dog. Check it out on the link and go Elf Yourself!
Season's Greetings from The Rebel Housewife's Elves:
in Holiday
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