Top 5: Mid-Life Myths
Monday, May 7, 2007 at 11:35AM Top 5 - Group Writing Project
MISSION: "Your task with this project is to take the theme of 'Top 5' in any direction that you'd like to..."
Welcome to, and thanks for stopping by The Rebel Blog. I'm Sherri Caldwell, The Rebel Housewife(TM): Humor Columnist, Reviewer & Rebel MomBlogger Extraordinaire... on; and offline freelance Writer/Author, co-author of The Rebel Housewife Rules: To Heck With Domestic Bliss! The Rebel Blog (archive here) is Time-Out For Moms, a place for busy moms to take a minute out of their hectic schedule -- a daily coffee break/watercooler chat -- to enjoy conversation, entertainment, humor & commiseration on life in general, with a wide variety of topics (heavy on family, kids, husbands, working at home, books, reading & writing). If you like what you discover here, please join the conversation in Comments below and subscribe to the email update here: Subscribe to The Rebel Housewife by Email
I don't want to come across as bitter, suicidal, or pessimistic. I'm not any of those things, really. But as I approach The Big 4-0 (in October), especially in view of recent personal crises and the imminent tragedy of losing a very dear friend, I'm beginning to suspect...
What will happen to George W. Bush? When?!
(She did not just throw politics in's just an example!!)
MISSION: "Your task with this project is to take the theme of 'Top 5' in any direction that you'd like to..."
Welcome to, and thanks for stopping by The Rebel Blog. I'm Sherri Caldwell, The Rebel Housewife(TM): Humor Columnist, Reviewer & Rebel MomBlogger Extraordinaire... on; and offline freelance Writer/Author, co-author of The Rebel Housewife Rules: To Heck With Domestic Bliss! The Rebel Blog (archive here) is Time-Out For Moms, a place for busy moms to take a minute out of their hectic schedule -- a daily coffee break/watercooler chat -- to enjoy conversation, entertainment, humor & commiseration on life in general, with a wide variety of topics (heavy on family, kids, husbands, working at home, books, reading & writing). If you like what you discover here, please join the conversation in Comments below and subscribe to the email update here: Subscribe to The Rebel Housewife by Email
Top 5: Mid-Life Myths
I don't want to come across as bitter, suicidal, or pessimistic. I'm not any of those things, really. But as I approach The Big 4-0 (in October), especially in view of recent personal crises and the imminent tragedy of losing a very dear friend, I'm beginning to suspect...
1. "Everything happens for a reason"
I'm beginning to think it's more like: Sh...tuff happens. It is what it is, and you deal with it. However, I do still cling to the idea that we are still in control of our responses, and the growth opportunities presented by life's many challenges. (See, there's a little sunshine & roses right there.) That can be positive or negative.2. "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"
Don't even get me started. Recent reference3. "Good things happen to good people"
Have you read the newspaper or seen the news on television lately?!4. Conversely, "What goes around, comes around"
I'm still waiting for the Karma Bus to come around for the bad guys in many scenarios and situations, both highly personal and more universal. I don't see it.What will happen to George W. Bush? When?!
(She did not just throw politics in's just an example!!)
5. THE BIG MYTH: "Happily Ever After..." a DESTINATION, riding off into the sunset with the Prince, toward the cottage with the white picket fence, the glass slipper, the magic apple and all of that...yeah, that's pretty much a MYTH. However, I do understand now, while it's not a set time and place, an event or an achievement, Happily Ever After is a journey and a grand adventure. It is what is, and it is what we make of it, every single day along the Life at 40
Reader Comments (11)
"Good things happen to good people"
LOL, You're right, even if you are a do-good person there is still a chance that you might end up in the gutter.Still, telling this to kids would help them be good boys and girls.
"THE BIG MYTH: "Happily Ever After..."
I truly agree that this is the biggest mid-lyfe myth of all. No one lives happily ever after because there are still tons of challenges and obstacle as long as life is still in motion. ^_^
Thanks for your post.
If you have time, why don’t you drop by my post:
It’s also an entry for the problogger top 5- group writing project. ^^ Goodluck to us all!
They are all exactly what you _don't_ want to hear.
Thank you for sharing your list!
When in pain, it will appear to be bad, and nature doesn't care if you are in pain, in fact pain is a survival trait. It hurts to change, since change is dangerous, you are changing what you are, how you work, your very basis of how you survive... so it will be painful since for many people to survive means to avoid change...
but for some... the pain reverses, amplifies the whole process, and if you ride the experience... you can take all that... and truly change yourself...
And to change yourself is to come full circle, to turn.. thats the very definition of revolution... to change yourself is to change the entire world in reflection...
Gads its a wonder that the process isnt more painful at times :)
:) I truly look forward to see where you take this experience!
Hope this wandering Taoist isn't being too silly ;)
Nice top5
very amusing